Serving The New Jersey Citizens Of Oradell

What Are The Penalties For a False Accusation of Domestic Violence in NJ?

On Behalf of | Jul 26, 2023 | Blog

People can be punished for making a false accusation in New Jersey, but if you are the one who is accused of domestic violence you have to worry about how you will defend yourself against any allegations first. A Bergen County, New Jersey criminal defense lawyer from our firm can help you fight for your rights.

What Should I Do If Someone Makes a False Accusation About Me?

Hearing that someone made a false accusation of domestic violence can be an overwhelming experience. You could be experiencing a wide range of emotions, including anger, but you need to stay calm. If you are arrested, go along peacefully. Do not talk to the cops without a lawyer present. Finally, do not try to go to your accuser and sort this out yourself like it is some minor misunderstanding. You could violate an order of protection and end up facing even more severe penalties.

Will Someone Be Punished for Making a False Accusation?

If you can show that someone made a false accusation against you, the state could decide to punish them. Making a false statement is considered a crime, and someone who does this knowingly can face jail time and fines. They can also face more severe penalties if they make false statements in court and commit perjury.

You also may be able to sue them in civil court for defamation and damages after you beat criminal charges. Their false accusation could have harmed your reputation, causing untold damage if you are a professional or business owner who has a good name to protect. Their accusation also cost you money in lawyer fees, missed wages, and other expenses. Suing for damages is certainly a possibility after you have been falsely accused of domestic violence.

How Could I Be Penalized for Domestic Violence?

Domestic violence can cover a wide range of crimes, but most come with harsh penalties and punishments. There are those that come from the state directly, and then there are the other consequences of getting convicted of such a heinous crime. Getting convicted of domestic violence could result in:

  • Expensive fines
  • Jail time
  • Loss of your job or business
  • Loss of your home
  • Loss of child custody
  • New restrictions on child visitation
  • A criminal record following you around for life

You know that these are false accusations, but you need to show that to the court. An experienced defense attorney can help.

Do I Need a Lawyer?

Your lawyer can help you with every aspect of your case. They will:

  • Help you form an affirmative defense
  • Talk to witnesses
  • Gather evidence
  • Help you confirm an alibi
  • Prepare you to testify
  • Handle all communications with police and prosecution for you

Going it alone when the stakes are this high is not a good idea. Having a good lawyer on your side can make a big difference.

Contact Our Law Firm Today

If you are ready to learn more about how our legal team can help you, contact the Law Office of E. Gregory M. Cannarozzi. We can schedule a consultation and look closer at the facts of your case. Then we can tell you how your lawyer will help you fight back.

